My kingdom for a book? - Reading in a foreign language:
Lesen, Leseverstehen und Lesesozialisation im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Hauptseminar, Donnerstag 10 to 12
Dear students, a number of things concerning the trip to Mainz on Thursday:
1) Could all those who take part in the excursion please send me a very, very brief confirmation so that I have a rough idea as to how many people will join us eventually. Thanks!
2) Could those people who intent to go to Mainz individually please let me know, too.
3) Address: Stiftung Lesen, Fischtorplatz 23, 55116 Mainz. Click [here] to download a map showing the way to our destination.
4) Meeting for those who travel by S-Bahn: In between 9.05 and 9.10 at the information desk in the main station in Frankfurt. (I assume, you all possess an RMV-tickt!?) The S-Bahn will leave at 9.17 from platform 103 and will get us into Mainz, Südbhf, at 9.52. From there it is a 10 min. walk (approx.) to the Stiftung.
5) The meeting with Mr Schäfer is announced for 10.15 and will probably last for about 1,5 hrs.
6) Possible connections back to Frankfurt (from Mainz, Süd) are at 11.37, 12.07, 12,17 etc.
7) PLEASE, do sit down before Thursday and come up with some clever questions you would like to address in the meeting. You can practically ask anything that interests you with regard to reading..... services for teachers, foreign language reading, reading projects, reading promotion, reading qualifications, PISA, school etc.
Achtung Raumänderung!!!
Das Hauptseminar wird bis auf weiteres im Casino in Raum 1.801 (nicht IGF 0.254) stattfinden.
"Nach eienr Stidue der Cmabrigde Uveirsintät ist es eagl, in wlehcer Reiehnfogle die Bchustbaen in Woeretrn vokrmomen. Es ist nur withcig, dsas der ertse und lettze Bchustbae an der ricthgien Stlele snid. Das ist, weil das mneschilche Geihrn nicht jeedn Bchustbaen liset sodnern das gazne Wort.” (FR, 20.9.2003)
One of the Germans biggest bogeys is called PISA. Since its results surfaced two years ago the educationalists‘ establishment has been stirred and their representatives put on stand-by looking for a useful repair-kit in order to cure the patient “school”. It looks increasingly likely that the only three remedies found will be: testing, testing, testing. Against the background of this development we will be exploring the realm of reading: The magic ways into reading (emergent literacy), the loneliness of the reader (and his happiness) and the loneliness of the book (in the world of electronic media), reading strategies, styles and speeds, reading biographies and reading careers, reading in a native and a foreign language, reading for fun and reading for school, reading competitions and reading lessons, in short: the horrors and delights of reading (with special reference to foreign language reading and reading in a FL classroom). Since the course is limited to 40 people, please register via email ASAP using the title of the seminar in the header.