Summer semester 2008
Overview, comments, and registration details


A head taller. Intercultural Learning through Drama in Education COURSE IS FULL

HS; Blockveranstaltung. Einzeltermine am 13.3.2008, 10:00 - 14:00, IG 251; 14.3.2008, 17.3.2008, 10:00 - 18:00, IG 251; 13.6.2008, 14:00 - 20:00, IG 251; 27.6.2008, 14:00 - 18:00, NG 2.731 (Ersatztermin)

Anmeldung bitte per Email (TITLE in the header, study details in mail) ab dem 1. Februar 08

FD 3.3 und

FD 4.1

A perfect match? Literarische Bildung und interkulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht COURSE IS FULL

HS; Mi 10:00 - 12:00, FLAT 4; ab 4.4.2008

Anmeldung bitte per Email (TITLE in the header, study details in mail) ab dem 1. Februar 08

FD 3.3 und

FD 4.1

The Secret Formula? Methoden zur Entwicklung von sprachlichen Fertigkeiten COURSE IS FULL

HS; 2 SWS; Mi 16:00 - 18:00, IG 411

Anmeldung bitte per Email (TITLE in the header, study details in mail) ab dem 1. Februar 08

FD 2.1

Introduction to Foreign Language Teaching ITFLT

P; 2 SWS; Fr 10:00 - 12:00, Cas 1.812

s. auch Tutorium ITFLT

FD 1.1

Durchführung des Fachpraktikums Englisch (Frühjahr/Herbst 2008)

PR; 2 SWS; 11. Feb - 13. März 2008

Auswertung des Frühjahrpraktikums Englisch 2008

PR; 2 SWS; Einzeltermine am 14.2.2008, 13.3.2008, 14:00 - 18:00, IG 0.251; 25.4.2008, 14:00 - 19:00, IG 251; 26.4.2008, 10:00 - 18:00, IG 0.251; 27.4.2008, 10:00 - 14:00, IG 251

Vorbereitung auf das Herbstpraktikum Englisch

PR; 2 SWS; Fr 12:00 - 14:00, IG 454

Comments and registration details

Auswertung des Frühjahrspraktikums Englisch 2008

The evaluation and Auswertung of the internship in spring will be based on your reports and portfolios. Please be prepared to present the findings of your research topic to the group and bring in some of your most successful teaching ideas and materials for the swap-shop.

Vorbereitung auf das Herbstpraktikum Englisch 2008

This course is designed for L2 / L3 students who do their Fachpraktikum in English as a Blockpraktikum in fall 2008. The focus in this seminar will be on foreign language teaching methodology, learning theories, classroom management, lesson observations and lesson planning with the overall aim to improve your reflective skills as part of your professional development. Be prepared to contribute by doing a presentation and/or micro-teaching.

Introduction to Foreign Language Teaching

In this class you will be introduced to some basic concepts of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (for example Standards, syllabuses, listening/speaking and reading/writing skills, teaching grammar and vocabulary at different levels, organising your classroom, evaluation). The class will also give you the chance to practice your "survival skills," i.e. show you how to find books, write a paper, etc. and will also offer mentoring sessions where you can ask questions concerning your studies. Participants will be asked to start a Professional Portfolio (= "Studienportfolio)

It is mandatory to sign up for these courses on the lists which will be put up at the Didaktik noticeboard opposite 3.152 at the beginning of February (expected number of participants per course: 60). It is recommended to also attend the accompanying tutorials. For dates and rooms see the Didaktik noticeboard opposite 3.152. This is the version in English of the "Einführung in die Fachdidaktik Englisch" for L1, L2, L3 and L5 students as part of the "Pflichtmodul Fremdsprachendidaktik 1: Grundlagen". If you are looking for a "Didaktik-Veranstaltung" for L3 in general, please do NOT attend this class, but go to any of the numerous classes in SP 5.

The seminar will be based on a choice of the following books (details to be clarified in the first session):
Andreas Müller-Hartmann / Marita Schocker-von Ditfurth (2004): Introduction to English Language Teaching. Stuttgart: Klett; Frank Haß (Hrsg.) (2006): Fachdidaktik Englisch. Stuttgart: Klett.
Lynne Cameron (2001): Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tricia Hedge (2000): Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford: OUP.

The secret formula!?
Methoden zur Entwicklung von Fertigkeiten im Englischunterricht.

What’s the secret formula after which our pupils learn to speak, to listen, to read, or to write in Englisch as a foreign language? The answer is simple: there isn’t any! However, there is an abundance of useful methods which will help to develop our pupils communicative skills. In this course we will have a look at current approaches and methods of how to foster speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills from elementary to (lower) secondary level. There will be a reader available in Copyburg at the end of the semester break in March.

A head taller. Intercultural Learning through Drama in Education

In this seminar we will be looking at the potential of drama methods (Dramapädagogik, Szenische Interpretation, Darstellendes Spiel, Kreative Verfahren) for the development of intercultural competences in the foreign language classroom i.e. we will explore ways of working with drama conventions in teaching units based exclusively on litarary texts. You will also get a chance to devise a drama program - parts of which will then be put into practice during the seminar. All students who would like to participate should be willingly suspend their disbelief!

A perfect match? Literarische Bildung und interkulturelles Lernen im Englischuntericht

In this seminar we will explore the potential of literature and literary texts with view to the overall EFL teaching objective, namely intercultural competencies. The aim of the seminar is twofold: First, we will have a closer look at some of the most popular and influential theories of intercultural competencies as well as models of literature in education. Second, we will investigate ways of how to integrate methods such as "kreative Verfahren" or "drama in education" in the EFL classroom from grades 5 to 12 with the aim to promote intercultural learning. The seminar will be based on discussions, presentations and practical / group work; you will be expected to do a fair amount of reading assignments.